Professional Programming From the Beginning (2)
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Paperback 448 pages
ISBN 978-3-945899-31-1 without CD
ISBN 978-3-945899-33-5 with CD
This volume among others covers the following topics:
• Installation of the development environment Lazarus
• Basics of programming in (Free) Pascal
• Modular programming with units
• Creation of simple graphical user interfaces
• Using the printer from your own programs
• Creation and editing of simple graphics
• Visualization of dynamic processes
By numerous characteristic application examples the reader is quickly enabled to create individual applications with Lazarus by himself. Of course, typical pitfalls are clearly pointed out.
Future volumes that deal with database techniques, internet applications and software technological aspects are under preparation. Further information about the book can be found at
Targeted Groups:
Students of computer science, mathematics, engineering and natural sciences, both beginners and those who are changing from other programming languages or development environments, who would like to get to know the possibilities of the free development environment Lazarus more intensively or are planning to switch to this development tool.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Koch taught software engineering and artificial intelligence at the University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten. He also heads the Steinbeis Transfer Center Software and Systems Engineering in Oberkochen. Experiences from his courses as well as numerous commercial projects form the basis of this book.
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